Episode 27: Q&A with Jason Crandell – Happy Hips, Hammies, and Lower Back

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Jason Crandell Portrait

Hi everyone!

Before jetting off on his most recent trip to Hong Kong, I sat with Jason to answer more listener-submitted questions. This time we just happened to get questions that all centered around the lower body. So, we talk about:

  • How to best work with tight hamstrings?
  • How to best recover when your hamstring has been overstretched?
  • How to find stability and strengthen the low back, quadratus lomborum (QL), and sacrum after pregnancy?
  • What’s up with hearing about yogis having hip replacements? How can you keep your hips safe in yoga?

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Yoga and Your Hips, Part I
Yoga and Your Hips, Part II
Yoga and Your Hips, Part III
Essential Sequence for Lower Back Pain
A Smart Flow for Hamstrings
Essential Sequence: Quick Hip Openers
Essential Sequence: Open into Hanumansana
Glute-Free Hamstrings? by Roger Cole [This is the article we referenced about whether or not you should squeeze your glutes in backbends.]

David Szesztay — Bye Bye
David Szesztay — Smiling Flowers
David Szesztay — Sweet Water

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Train with Jason online or in-person in 2025!

Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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