Summer Series! Ep 3: Understanding Your Super-Awesome (& Complex) Shoulders

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Andrea Ferretti in a yoga pose

Did you know that your shoulder complex has four joints on each side? This dynamic engineering allows us to do all of the things we do with our arms and hands. But it can leave the shoulder joints vulnerable if we don’t balance them with strength. In vinyasa yoga we ask the shoulders to do a lot early on in the practice (because Chaturanga). So, on this episode Jason talks ideas for offsetting this, the best ways to create balanced shoulder strength, plus proper alignment while lifting your arms overhead.

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Essential Sequence: Neck, Shoulders, and Upper Back
The Expert’s Guide to Chaturanga
Episode 23 with Jason: Fun with Shoulder Anatomy!

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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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