Episode 153: On Spirituality, Representation, and Being a New Teacher with Quamay Sams

This is where the subhead goes where we talk about how you need to do your research and two other things 

Quamay Sams in a yoga pose

Quamay Sams

This week, I talk to Bay Area yoga teacher Quamay Sams. Quamay grew up in New York, where he was a dancer before he enrolled in a yoga teacher training program (without ever having set foot in a yoga studio). He now considers teaching yoga a calling — and a big responsibility.

We talk about:

  • Why Quamay felt like a misfit (his word) growing up and how that impacted the course of his life.
  • Dance. He tells us more about a style of dancing called krumping, why he loves it, and how it became an outlet for him.
  • Stepping into the seat of the teacher and how he is coping with and embracing being a role model.
  • Yoga and representation. His take on why there aren’t more black people in yoga studios, who’s responsible for that, and how we can all work together to bridge that gap.
  • His experience as one of Jason’s advanced teacher training students.

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Quamay’s Instagram Page

The Alchemist


Jason’s Advanced Studies yoga teacher trainings


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Jason Crandell in Crow pose

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